
Deju company specializes in R&D and production of high precision, high density, high strength powder metallurgy products, to meet the requirements of safety performance in product use, which are widely applied in machinery, automobile, home appliances and other fields, with broad marketing prospect.

The company possesses strong R&D capacities for developing new products, is a top hundred technological and innovation enterprise of Fujian province, has substituted the higher-end structure component market which have currently monopolized by foreign suppliers. It has established the “Fujian Magnesium Alloy Materials Engineering Technology Research Center”, and “Fujian Key Laboratory of Advanced Metal Materials”.

The company has established “Fujian Post-Graduate Work Station”, to train a batch of engineering and technical personnel for long-term structural R&D of powder metallurgy. During the Eleventh Five-Year period, the company has assumed the National Science and Technology Support Program Projects, leading energy conservation & emission reduction and technological innovation of the industry, with independent intellectual property rights over a number of inventions patents and utility model patents.